Read one of our FACT sheets for answers to some of the most frequently asked questions from our clients about –
- PA’s Annual Leave.pdf
- PA’s Annual Leave.txt
- Statutory Sick Pay.pdf
- Statutory Sick Pay.txt
- Statutory Maternity Pay.pdf
- Statutory Maternity Pay.txt
- Insurance.pdf
- Insurance.txt
- Care Charges (Client Contributions)
- Care Charges (Client Contributions).txt
- Care charges example appeal letter
- Managed Accounts.pdf
- Managed Accounts.txt
- Keeping Records for Audit.pdf
- Keeping Records for Audit.txt
- Mental Health and Direct Payments.pdf
- Mental Health and Direct Payments.txt
- Review.pdf
- Review.txt
- Your personal data and what you need to know.pdf
- Your personal data and what you need to know.txt
If you would like to suggest a topic for a fact sheet related to your direct payment, you can contact us through our website contact page.