Elementor #7962

Disabled Facilities Grant

You can get a grant from the council if you are disabled and need to make changes so that you can safely access your home, bathroom and bedroom facilities. These include major aids and adaptations such as:

  • widening doorways for wheelchair access
  • steps or ramps
  • stair lifts or through floor lifts
  • level access walk-in showers
  • ceiling track hoists

For non-complex aids and adaptations please contact The Knowsley Care and Repair Service (e-mail enquiries@vivarkcareandrepair.co.uk or telephone 0151 548 6668). They can be contacted for minor adaptations such as grab rails, bath seats and key safes.

To find out more, please take a look at our FAQs.

To find out more, including how to apply, contact the Knowsley Access Team on 0151 443 2600 or email Knowsley.AccessTeam@knowsley.gov.uk

Disabled Facilities Grant FAQs

Will I qualify for a grant?

You can apply if you are a home owner or tenant and someone living in your property is disabled. The property must be the main residence of the disabled person throughout the grant period of five years.
The grants are targeted at residents on low incomes and are means tested to take into account the household’s average weekly income and any savings, but will disregard certain disability-related income. (Please note: there is no means testing for families of disabled children under 19.)

How much will I receive?

You will receive a grant for the cost of any assessed adaptations, less the amount you may have to contribute. For example if a stair lift costs £1,500 and you have an assessed contribution of £500, you would receive £1,000 (Please note: grants cannot be paid for works that have been carried out prior to formal grant approval). Obtain an estimate of the amount you may have to contribute.

How do I apply?

The Occupational Therapy service will assess the need for adaptations at your home. They will also consider other appropriate solutions with you, which may include other, more suitable, accommodation.
To make a referral to the Occupational Therapy Team please contact the Knowsley Access Team on 0151 443 2600 or email Knowsley.AccessTeam@knowsley.gov.uk. You can also apply online, but if you have not already been seen by the Occupational Therapy Service then your application will be forwarded to them to arrange an assessment of your needs.

Additional Information?

Additional Information on DFG and adaptations can be found at: