Knowsley Council wants to ensure that people who use services, their families and carers have a chance to influence the way care and support is designed and delivered in the future.

Knowsley Disability Concern (KDC) has been asked to help this happen.
Over the next few months, we will be talking to as many individuals and groups of people as possible to find out what’s working, what doesn’t work and begin to think about how the services we use need to be shaped to meet people’s needs. We will be focussing on:




Respite and short breaks facilities

Adult day services/activity centres

Older people’s day centres

Supported living services for people with learning disabilities and those with mental health illness



For those who are interested in participating further, there will be opportunities for you to take part in coproduction events. These will bring together people who use services with people who make decisions to use what’s been said and produce plans for the future – as equal partners.



The next Coproduction Day is on Wednesday 24 January at The Caldwell Centre, Tarbock Road, Huyton, L36 0SD. 

There are two sessions available – 10.30am to 12.30pm and 1pm to 3pm.

Easy read invitation


To reserve your place, contact Johanne on 0151 480 4090 or email


Get Involved in other ways!

There are many ways you can get involved with KDC and the work we do to help people live independently.  

Our events calendar has details of up and coming meetings, workshops and information sessions.

Attend a training workshop or information session

KDC runs regular sessions for disabled people and those living with long term conditions as well as anyone who uses direct payments. These provide a great chance to talk to others, share experience and pick up hints and tips.


Give us your views about our service

You can let us know how we are doing by filling in the form here or visiting Healthwatch Knowsley and using their easy on-line feedback centre.

Volunteer with KDC

We have lots of volunteering opportunities where you can lend a hand and make a difference. Take a look at some of the projects and roles we are looking for support with.