263a Tarbock Road
Huyton Merseyside, L36 0SD

Free Legal Advice – Social Care and SEND Clinic

Liverpool Law Clinic are launching their new service from Monday 8th October 2018


Are you the parent or carer of a child with disabilities?

Do you need advice with

  • Support from the Local Authority including assessments, short breaks services, holiday play schemes, care at home, aids and adaptations, financial help with travel costs , direct payments
  • Welfare Benefits general advice about entitlement to benefits related to a child’s disability, including disability living allowance, carers allowance and blue badges
  • Special educational needs provision

The clinic are now taking appointments, the appointments can take place at Alder Hey hospital or at the Liverpool Law Clinic or we can facilitate Skype interviews.

Further details can be found here:

If you have any questions about this Clinic service, please don’t hesitate to contact them on 0151 794 5782

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KDC’s Big Pathway wins Community Project of the Year award!

  Keri Romano, Project Coordinator holding the trophy, next to Joyce Greaves, CEO who are both flanked by Neil Fitzmaurice, compere for the event and Jane Trevithick from Anthony Collins Solicitors who sponsored the award. We are delighted to announce that KDC’s Big Pathway project received the award for Community Project of 2017 at the … Read more

Personal Health Budget (PHB) holder funding

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Being disabled in Britain

Being disabled in Britain: a journey less equal (Equality and Human Rights Commission report) Being disabled in Britain is a review into disability inequality in Great Britain. It builds on the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s statutory five-yearly report on equality and human rights progress in England, Scotland and Wales, Is Britain Fairer?. We want this … Read more

Autism & Mental Health Documentary

As part of their community project, a recent cohort of Prince’s Trust 16 – 25 year-olds decided to create a video to raise awareness of autism and associated mental health issues in Knowsley.

Carer’s Rights and the Care Act 2014

Carers Rights and the Care Act 2014 Luke Clements Overview The Care Act 2014 repeals most of the principal adult social care statutes (as they apply in England ) – the laws that oblige social services’ departments to assess and to provide services for disabled, elderly and ill adults as well as their carers. A … Read more

Knowsley Carers’ Strategy 2017 – 2019 – Provider launch event

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