263a Tarbock Road
Huyton Merseyside, L36 0SD

New Rights for Carers

Are you caring for someone? The Care Act sets out new responsibilities for every local authority to ensure that carers have an assessment of their needs in their own right, regardless of the type, level and frequency of support you provide as a carer and irrespective of your financial means.  The assessment will look at any ‘necessary care’ you are providing. This is usually helping somebody with something … Read more

Results of KDC Customer Survey

  And our survey said…..   95% of clients surveyed think KDC’s service is good to excellent.     Thanks to everyone who has taken part in our telephone survey to find out what you think about the Direct Payments Support Service KDC provides. It was great to hear so many positive comments as well … Read more

Have your say on the accessibility of Knowsley Town Centres

The Knowsley Physical and Sensory Impairment Partnership Board is currently looking at  how disabled people access their town centres in Knowsley and will contribute to their priority around transport. Please follow this link to complete the survey and tell us about your experience in your town centre. A paper copy and easy read copy are … Read more

Last chance to register online to vote in the general election

Individual Electoral Registration (IER) From 10 June 2014, the way you register to vote has changed. The new registration system is called Individual Electoral Registration (IER).  IER has been introduced nationally to help tackle electoral fraud and enable online registration, which will make it easier and more convenient for you to register to vote. Register … Read more

Merseyside Joint Partnership offers free training for family members

Merseyside Joint Training Programme has released lots of exciting training for 2015-2016.

All courses are free for families and self-advocates.  Booking on all the training courses is now being taken, please email johanne.ross@kdc.org.uk with any bookings of places.

Details of forthcoming courses is listed below.

Education & Healthcare Plans – Sue Harris

When: Wednesday 29th April 2015 Time: 10am till 4pm

Venue: TBC


Epilepsy & Buccal Midazolam Course – Sally Gormersall

When: Tuesday 5th May 2015 Time: 9:30am till 3pm

Venue: Salvation Army Walton


Oral Health Training – Vicky Atkinson

When: Wednesday 6th May 2015 Time: 10.00am till 4pm

Venue: Salvation Army Walton


Postural Care – Tess Ellis

When: Monday 11th May 2015 Time: 10.00am till 4pm

Venue: Salvation Army Walton


Circles of Support – Sue Harris

When: Wednesday 27th May 2015 Time: 10am till 4pm

Venue: TBC


Makaton – Heidi Kenworthy

When: Monday 1st June 2015 Time: 10am till 3pm

Venue: TBC


Education & Healthcare Plans – Sue Harris

When: Wednesday 3rd June 2015 Time: 10am till 4pm

Venue: TBC


Phoebe Day – Getting in Touch – Pheobe Caldwell

When: Thursday 18th June 2015 Time: 10.00am till 4pm

Venue: Salvation Army Walton


Epilepsy & Buccal Midazolam Course – Sally Gormersall

When: Monday 22nd June 2015 Time: 9:30am till 3pm

Venue: TBC


Autism & Behaviour that ChallengeSteve McGuinness

When: Wednesday 24th June 2015 Time: 10.00am till 4pm

Venue: TBC


Eating with Dignity – Kathy Fearns

When: Wednesday 8th July 2015 Time: 10.00am till 4pm

Venue: Salvation Army Walton


Makaton – Heidi Kenworthy

When: Monday 13th June 2015 Time: 10am till 3pm

Venue: TBC