263a Tarbock Road
Huyton Merseyside, L36 0SD

FREE Dementia Training for Family Members

Liverpool City Council and Skills for Care have asked PSS to deliver training for those supporting a family member with dementia. This training is free of charge for anyone living in the Merseyside area. They are working with families to help them to achieve a greater understanding of dementia and look at how they can … Read more

Message from 5 Boroughs Community Health Services

Friendly and informal local Community Health Forums, which are held across Knowsley have announced their latest meeting schedules.   The monthly forums aim to create a welcoming environment in which local people can learn about Community Health Services – part of 5 Boroughs Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, as well as listen to guest speakers chosen … Read more

United Response launches Easy News

Easy News is the first newspaper designed to be accessible for people with learning disabilities.   Politics and the news are often inaccessible to people with learning disabilities because of the use of jargon and difficult language. The first edition of Easy News consists of a summary of some of the biggest news stories from … Read more

Access to Work helping new business start-ups

From 14th January 2013, disabled people who want to set up their own business will be able to get help from Access to Work if they enrol on the New Enterprise Allowance (NEA). The NEA provides expert coaching and financial support for jobseekers with a business idea. Strong take up of the NEA scheme in … Read more

FREE Draught-proofing for your home!

  Knowsley’s Care & Repair service has a limited amount of funding available to fit draught-proofing in homes occupied by disabled and vulnerable people. The service ranges from a single door or window to a full house and is completely free. If you live in Knowsley and think you may qualify for this offer, contact … Read more

Advice Services in Knowsley – have your say

Advice agencies in Knowsley are working together to improve the services they provide to local residents.   Please take a minute to complete a short survey to help them shape their services for the future, click on the following link to access the survey.   https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/adviceservicesknowsley    

Government Consultation Responses

Below are the responses to the various consultations KDC posted to our Have Your Say page Consultation Response Easy Read Related Documents Other Formats Disabled Persons Right To Control response easy read   Rich Text           The Future of the Independent Living Fund (ILF) response easy read ILF Impact Assessment ILF … Read more