263a Tarbock Road
Huyton Merseyside, L36 0SD

Consultation on The Orchard Conservation Area in Huyton

Knowsley Council is seeking your views on The Orchard Conservation Area in Huyton.  Feedback is invited on the proposal to amend The Orchard Conservation Area boundary to include Huyton Railway Ticket Office The Queens Arms Public House 2a Pinnington Place. To view the full consultation documents, including a feedback form, visit www.knowsley.gov.uk/your-council/consultations.aspx In addition, a consultation … Read more

New extra care housing developments in Knowsley

A further three new extra care development schemes will be delivered in Knowsley over the next two years. Approximately 231 extra care homes will be created at three sites across the borough – Albany Road in Prescot (the former watch making factory), Bluebell Park in Huyton and Derby Court in Halewood.  The three sites offer … Read more

New Drop-in sessions for people with Aphasia

Aphasia is a communication disability which occurs when the communication centres of the brain are damaged. It is usually caused by stroke, but can also be caused by brain haemorrhage, head injury or tumours. There is also a condition called Primary Progressive Aphasia. The cause of this is unclear New drop-in sessions in Warrington for people … Read more

Friends from Rosler UK raise £400!

Sandra Banks hands over sponsorship money raised by the team from Rosler UK for their fantastic efforts in the recent Snowdon Mountain Challenge.  All proceeds from this event will be used by KDC to help stamp out disability hate crime in Knowsley. A big THANK YOU to the guys from Rosler – Sandra Banks, Sheila … Read more

Working Lives: Here and There

This exhibition will feature large scale photographs taken in Liverpool (‘here’) and from countries across the world (‘there’). The images depict disabled people in their workplaces, challenging myths surrounding disability and employment, through positive depictions of disabled people in work. Accompanying the exhibition are stories from the people depicted. The exhibition is accompanied by an … Read more