
Book shelf

What is Stories?

Stories is a reading group for adults with learning disabilities and / or autism.

It’s FREE, it’s FUN

We’ll talk about Stories, you can just listen or tell your own stories.

Before lockdown we used to meet up at venues across Knowsley such as Huyton Library, we still meet up just over Zoom! But when lockdown is over we will meet around a table and get to know each other again

What happens at a Stories meeting?

Someone will read a story out loud (usually Danny), this could be a poem or from a book.  We will then chat about the story.

We all have our stories to tell.  Maybe we’ll find our stories?

Our members are already telling their own stories, you can read about them at the bottom of this page.

We hold Zoom reading groups on

Wednesdays at 3.00 p.m.

Fridays at 2.00 p.m.

Click on each of the pictures below to read some of our members own stories

Customers reviews


Don’t just take our word for it, here is what members of stories are saying:

“The stories have helped me, it relaxes me and takes anyway my worries, I look forward to it throughout the week”
“I feel good about that, not many books are about people with disabilities. It will help people with disabilities to read stories about people with disabilities… people will start to follow my lead”

For more information on joining our reading group contact KDC on

Telephone 0151 480 8883 or email