Are you caring for someone?
The Care Act sets out new responsibilities for every local authority to ensure that carers have an assessment of their needs in their own right, regardless of the type, level and frequency of support you provide as a carer and irrespective of your financial means.
The assessment will look at any ‘necessary care’ you are providing. This is usually helping somebody with something they could otherwise not do. The assessment identifies the
needs which arise as a result of the care you provide, particularly where this has a significant impact on your health and wellbeing. If you are eligible, you will be given an annual budget (up to a maximum of £350 per year) which can be spent on items and services of your choice to meet your needs.
Contact the Knowsley Access Team (KAT) at the council on 0151 443 2600 to request a Carers Assessment and visit CARERS ASSESSMENTS for more information.
You can download a copy of the leaflet from our website here.