Make Carers Visible, Valued and Supported – Get involved with the Carers Strategy Refresh

Mke Carers Visible, Valued and Supported – Get involved with the Carers Strategy Refresh

In celebration of Carers Week and working with our partners including, Young Carers, Parent Carers Voice, Alzheimer’s Society, KMBC and Healthwatch, Knowsley Carers Centre is urging carers to get involved in the refresh of the All-Age Carers Strategy 2020-2025.

The Carers Strategy Group started work on the current Carers Strategy back in March 2020, the initial consultation with carers starting shortly after lockdown. Despite great efforts it was impossible to consult widely with carers as we couldn’t see people face to face and many people were struggling to get to grips with technology.

But now it’s time for a refresh. We know that there are still many issues that carers want to voice and have addressed. Covid of course, has changed many lives and highlighted to everyone the vital role that carers play as key workers not only during the pandemic but every day. We want to learn how the impact of Covid might have changed priorities for carers. Essentially, the Carers Strategy Group wants to make sure that this refresh of the strategy consults with carers as widely as possible to ensure that carers voices are heard and so there will be many opportunities to take part in the engagement. There are two events being held to start the consultation:

There are two engagement opportunities booked for the week commencing 20th June 2022. If you would like to attend either of these events please let us know by contacting either Knowsley Carers Centre Tel 0151 549 1412 email to or Healthwatch Knowsley on 0151 449 3954 and email:

Tuesday 21st June 2022 6.15pm – 7.30 pm – Carers Engagement Event on Zoom

If you’re a working carer then this might be a good opportunity for you to make your voice heard outside of the 9-5 working day but all are welcome. Once your place is booked we will send you the link.

Thursday 23rd June 10.30am – 2.30 pm – Carers Engagement Event at The Old Schoolhouse

This will be an opportunity to reconnect with services by visiting the market place and with other carers in discussion about the issues carers face. Efforts will be made to provide a Covid safe environment. Refreshments and buffet will be provided at tables. Places must be booked to ensure we are Covid safe. So to avoid disappointment telephone or email to express your interest in attending.

There will be other opportunities to get involved. If you would like to express your views over the telephone or arrange to take part in one of our other consultation events, please contact us on the numbers above and we will make arrangements for you to have your say.

You can also have your say via the online All Age Carers Strategy Survey by clicking on the link below:

Also, please let us know if you belong to a carers’ group and have an idea about how we can consult with you as a group. We want to make sure that carers are consulted at times and places that works for them. Call Knowsley Carers Centre on 0151 549 1412 or email or Healthwatch on 449 3954 or email

Jen Casey
Community Partnership Officer
Tel: 0151 449 3954
Mob: 07701 366227
The Old School House, St. Johns Road, Huyton, Knowsley, L36 0UX