Are you a parent or carer for a young person aged 18-25 living in Knowsley?

Would you like to increase your knowledge and confidence on building their emotional resilience?

Can you help us to hear views and experiences  from disabled 18-25 year olds at a coproduction session in November?

Alice and Bob from the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) would like to meet with a group of young disabled people aged 18-25 , parent/carers and PAs on Wednesday 17th November 2021 at 19.00-20.30 for an online session.

They will ask about what has helped support young disabled people’s mental wellbeing and resilience and about recommended groups, activities and/or initiatives in Knowsley that have been useful.  Information gathered will be shared with people who attend the forthcoming Strengthening the Circle course in Knowsley.  Further information about Strengthening the Circle be found on the NDTi website here.

Please complete this sign up form by 12 November, if you can help with this coproduction session.

More information on how to sign up to attend the course (due to run February – March 2022) please see the attached flyer. This is free and funded by our Skills for Care Grant for 2021-22. You can apply now for a place by using the link in the booking form.

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